Lek ABC, Alfons Åberg

Alfie Character
In-game footage of the rigged Alfie character that I illustrated and animated. There are about 12 different animations and a system set up in Unity to randomize between different ones depending on where in the game he is showing up.
Animations done using a rig in Maya and exported to Unity.
Illustrated textures with sprite swap used for hands, eyes and mouth.
Characters In Room
There are multiple characters in the room area. I set up a system so that the game chooses randomly between different characters to appear whenever the scene reloads. The characters play a looping idle animation and a reaction animation when clicked.
Drawn in photoshop and animated in Unity.
Completion Cinematics
Wordmachine Completion
Letter Tracing Completion
Loading Screen
Alfie turn animation used in the loading screens of the game.
Drawn and animated frame by frame in Photoshop.